Asset Library

The Asset Library is where you can find assets: props, characters, scenery, set dressing et al.

You can summon the Asset Library at any time by pressing both Menu buttons at once: blink and you will be in the Asset Library, an inner space where you can search for and select assets to place on set.

Here you can select assets to put on stage from all categories in your Asset Repository, including characters, props, environments, vehicles, interactive assets, manipulatable shapes and VFX.

Around you is a carousel showing some assets. Each asset has a card with its name and source path (creator/category) and commit date.

Use the Left and Right buttons on the radial menu of either controller to rotate the carousel and reveral more assets. You can skim through assets swiftly looking for the one you want.

To select an asset to place on stage, point at it then press and hold the trigger and you will return to your scene with the asset in hand ready to place where you want.

If you choose a larger asset, you will arrive on set scaled to make placement easier.


Every asset is given one or more tags when imported. It is best to give assets several tags, ranging from the general to the specific such as "Prop, Domestic, Furniture, Seat". Tags provide a looser hierarchy than a tree path allowing assets to be discovered via multiple routes.

To help refine your search, the desk in front of you shows a grid of tags. Click on a tag to select only those assets with that tag. Several tags can be selected at once to further refine the selection.

The top row holds the top categories. Clicking on one of these will show only those tags for which there are assets with that tag and the top category.



Humanoid characters that can be posed, animated, etc.


General props and set dressing




Land, air or sea vehicles.


Props that can be used in performance capture or the player can interact with.


Geometric primitives and procedural shapes


Visual effects such as fires, etc.

In front of you is a board of topline categories and their associated tags, and a carousel of the resultant filtered assets to select from.

Repository Scope

On the left hand side there are buttons that let you limit the scope of which assets to choose from:


All assets available for use in this scene: public, project and local.


These assets are provided for all users of FirstStage


These assets have been imported into this project.


These assets have only been imported locally on this machine.


Only those assets used in the scene. Can be useful for finding assets you've already used and want to use again.

FirstStage Repository

Import Assets

The other button on the left hand side is Import Assets: this lets you import assets from the local file system.

Currently only images are supported. For other assets, you must import them via Unity.

Last updated