Release 14

21st January 2019

Update (a)

  • Major improvements to motion capture

    • Timeline now has the notion of an activity inspector or editor: click on the activity to reveal it.

    • The editor for motion capture activities includes a widget to mask which body parts the performance will drive.

    • The mocap editor also allows warp markers to be set which limit the effect of a path or time warp.

    • Grabbing the puppet body during a mocap clip allows you to adjust the body path.

    • Grabbing an IK handle during a mocap clip allows you to retarget hands and feet.

    • The mocap editor also allows you to adjust the speed of a warp segment.

    • Mocap data is stored separately to the scene to avoid unnecessary network traffic. Previously, long sessions could exceed the storage quota for a scene.

  • Cameras now can have a look at target from inside the Camera TTL view you can set a focus and look at target by pointing at the screen and pressing the thumbpad

  • Depth of Field is now supported on cameras – the bokeh effect is not large by default to keep post processing from impacting on performance.

  • You can now choose a post processing profile for a camera allowing colour grading, bloom and other effects.

  • You can adjust the aperture of the camera (and focus distance if no target) from the slider controls

  • You can create a new post processing profile in the Unity Editor and then import it to the repository

  • You can now import Textures for use as lighting gobos/cookies – just tag them with “Gobo”

  • The WristPad will remain open if you look away while dragging items on it.

  • Small improvements to HUD messages such as “Recording…”

  • Major overhaul of the UI event system should make working with 2D interfaces easier

  • Improved pointer beams

  • Controllers are now stabilised

  • Should be easier to drag UI items such as activities on timeline

  • Fixed various bugs where UI pointer would be unexpectedly blocked

  • Clicks only require a partial trigger press and have haptic feedback

  • When inside the Asset Browser or Camera TTL the background is now flattened

  • The asset browser now hides assets marked with the “broken” tag.

Update (b)

  • Fix for issue with UI dropdowns and overlays in VR

  • Fix for issue when asset browser would not show when menu buttons pressed

Update (c)

  • Linz theatre now has revolving stages (prototype)

  • Turn the stage by grabbing it and then using the radial menu left & right buttons

  • Stages currently turn at 6 RPM

  • Currently changes in the orientation of the stages is not recorded

  • Now automatically parent things when placed on another thing (e.g. a turntable).

  • Sketches also parent to the thing they are drawn on.

  • Also walk path waypoints.

  • Fix for some issues when loading scenes from before R14.

  • Fix for issue when using the Office in VR to create a scene.

  • When sketching on a surface, points should be more precisely on that surface.

Update (d)

  • Upgraded to Unity 2018.3.5 for bug fix for particle effects.

  • Fixed an issue where sketches can lose geometry when saved.

  • Sketch scale handles should now match the current bounds of the sketch.

  • Sketch measurements now include corner angles.

  • Fix for crash that occurred when scaling a thing sitting on (parented to) something that has been scaled.

  • Fix for issue when manipulating a thing sitting on a scaled thing.

  • Fix for issue where an asset would get stuck to the controller if clicked on in the browser (instead of press and hold): an extra click will now release it.

  • You can now copy your scene to a different project.

  • Fixed lots of exceptions thrown when going back to the Office

Update (e)

  • Added missing colliders in Linz Theater – can now walk on stage again.

  • “Symbols” key on VR Keyboard now toggles between symbols and letters.

  • Timeline can now be resized by dragging the zoom button left and right as well as up and down.

  • Timetool record button now shows a different icon to stop recording.

  • Improved sizes of assets in browser.

  • Wristpad won’t appear when a tool is being used on that controller.

  • Fix for desktop UI not starting correctly.

Update (f)

  • Fix for camera sequences failing to load.

  • Selected camera on wristpad now runs at full framerate.

Update (g)

  • Fix when asset browsing for controller losing left/right buttons on 2nd visit

  • Fix for crash with some scenes.

  • Forced quality settings to fantastic.

Last updated