Starting FirstStage for the first time

Once you have your VR rig properly set up with Steam, you can launch FirstStage.

Log in

First, you will need to log in with the credentials for your user account.

The first time you start FirstStage it will download asset bundles from the repository to complete installation. If there are new assets later, they will be downloaded here.

This can take some time!

This is also the point where any updates to FirstStage itself will be downloaded and applied - you will need to approve this as administrator.

Create your first Project

Next you will see the Projects screen. As this is the first time, you won't have one so click on the Create button.

Create your first Scene

Next you will see the Scenes screen. This will be empty to start with so click on the Create button.

For your first scene, choose the Empty Stage.

Run through the Tutorial

The first time you go on set, you will be presented with a brief tutorial. You can dismiss it at any point, but it is well worth going through it from start to finish.

The tutorial will introduce you to the following aspects of FirstStage:

  • Your controllers and how to use them

  • Tools and the Tool Wheel

  • Teleporting with the Navigator

  • Tool Radial Menus

  • Moving around the set

  • Browsing and Placing Assets

  • Proximity Grabber

  • Using handles and the Waldo

  • Character Performance

  • WristPad

  • Timeline

  • Cameras

Once you have completed the tutorial, it won't show again until you go to the Preferences section on the WristPad and click on the Restart Tutorial button.

If you are introducing someone to FirstStage, you can also start the tutoral from outside VR from the desktop by pressing Ctrl-Alt-T on the keyboard.

You're ready to play!

This documentation is available on your WristPad in VR.

You can also get further help on our Discord channel.

Last updated