Release 25

4th August 2020

New Digital Crafting Tools

  • We have added some new procedural shapes which should open up lots of new creative opportunities: find them in the Asset Library under Shapes.

Image Panel

  • This panel allows you to attach an image to it. The panel will preserve the aspect ratio of the image and can be scaled with the Size Handles.

  • To select the image, go to the Inspector for the Image Panel and click on the Change Image button. A file browser will then pop up allowing you to select the image file to be shown.

  • Image Panels also have an additional switch for whether they respond to lighting or not. Turn this off for illumninated images such as TV screens.

  • You can use Image Panels to set up mood boards or as placeholders for scenery and props.


  • A Stairs object lets you quickly create a flight of stairs. When first created, the stairs are in “Edit Shape” mode as shown by a blue wirframe. Use the “?” operation on the Grabber to hide the handles or show them again.

  • The stairs follow a path that can be manipulated by simply grabbing a stair and moving it. If you grab the handle on the top stair (it faces forward instead of left/right), you can raise or lower the overall height of the stairs. If you grab the handle on the bottom stair, you can raise or lower the height of each individual step (and the staircase with then have fewer or more steps accordingly).

  • If you grab the sidewall of a step with you can widen or shrink the steps in that direction.

  • Stairs objects can have materials pasted on them.


  • A Lathe object lets you quickly create something that is a volume of revolution as if turned on a lathe. It exposes control handles for a ring around the object that you can pull out or pull in. It is good for making columns, vases, etc.

  • Lathe objects can have materials pasted on them.

Bendable Pole

  • Bendable Pole can be stretched and bent as desired. Use the Grabber or grab part of the pipe directly to manipulate it. Control handles can be hidden via the “?” operation on the Grabber.

  • Pipes with round and square cross section are provided. To change the diameter of the pipe, grab part of the pipe with both hands and stretch or shrink it.

  • Pipe objects can have materials pasted on them.

Curved Wall

  • A section of curved wall follows a path that can be manipulated simply by grabbing part of the wall and moving it around. If you grab part of the wall with both hands you can change the thickness of the wall.

  • If you grab the top of the wall, you can change the height of the wall.

Improved Materials Palette

  • We have added a lot of new materials to work with when painting shapes. The materials are organised by tags such as Floor, Brick, Wood, Wall, etc. You can find them from the WristPad home screen under Materials.

Auto Alignment

  • When placing an object you can now toggle “Snap to Nearest” with the grip button. When active, the thing you are holding will align itself to the nearest object.

  • For example if you approach the floor, the object will snap to vertical and will move to contact with the floor.

  • If you move an object close to two other things such as a wall and floor it will attempt to align it with both of them.

Last updated