Release 13

11th December 2018

Update (a)

  • New server backend – hopefully all you will notice is the server doesn’t crash so often!

  • New Office UI: scenes now belong to projects.

  • You should have an initial project with your name holding all previous scenes you had created

  • You should also have a First Stage project for sharing scenes

  • You can create new projects and invite users to join them.

  • Reworked WristPad with a tablet style home screen.

  • New Preferences pane on WristPad allows setting of movement comfort options.

  • Fix for first stage becoming very slow after using the Camera TTL view.

  • You can now move around the set using one hand grip instead of a two hand gesture – scale & turn still need two hands.

  • New documentation website (still very incomplete work in progress) can be found from the WristPad or by saying “Help”.

  • The documentation can also be found via a normal browser:

Update (b)

  • New Office UI should now work fine in VR – Keyboard works with Create Project dialog etc.

  • Scenes prior to June 2018 have been deleted: incompatibility issues stopped listing scenes in personal project.

  • Fixed issue with dragging cameras.

Update (c)

  • Assets are now loaded in the background in the browser. This should reduce stalls sending you to limbo. While loading there is a placeholder object.

  • Improvements to Office UI – should make it easier to follow

  • You can now make a Copy of a Scene from the Office UI.

  • WristPad now has a toggle button underneath it to take you between the home screen and selected screen.

  • Improved Theater stage: added missing colliders to stage elements such as “Hub Podien” so placing things on them should snap properly.

  • Scaffold Grid now shows properly and can be sketched on again.

  • Filling sketch faces with materials should now work properly.

  • Fixed issue where a second camera would move on top of the first camera.

Update (d)

  • New Beam Light with volumetric light beam

  • New Fire FX assets

Last updated