Release 23
14th May 2020
Grabbing by proximity
Regardless of which tool you have selected on your controller, if you reach into an object you can now grab it directly.
Your controller will turn into a gloved hand to indicate you can grab: pull the trigger and move it in exactly the same way you would from a distance with the Grabber tool.
Posing Puppets
It is now much easier to pose puppets:
You no longer need to use the “?” action to enable the pose handles
Simply reach into any part of the puppet’s body and you will get a glowing handle for that body part.
Your controller will also turn into a gloved hand to indicate you can grab.
Grab the body part to move it.
Improved workflow for VR Mocap
You only need to measure your height once: this is then stored as part of your profile.
If you need to measure your height again, you can by pressing the Recalibrate button on the left.
You now have a choice of 3 modes: Standing, Sitting and Prone.
Stage Machinery for the Linz Theater
More stage machinery is now supported on the Linz Theater stage:
3 raisers, complete with separate lift platform
Portal bridge and towers
Orchestra pit
Last updated