Moving Around

FirstStage supports open-world exploration, allowing users to quickly and freely negotiate 3d space to get into just the right position to be effective, from huge leaps and bounds to small accurate movements in all six degrees of freedom (6DoF).

You are not constrained by your room-scale set-up, though of course you can move around that area as you normally would to get into position. You do need to stand in FristStage either - you can be very effective sitting down, covering as much space and distance as you need using intuitive controls familiar to VR users, and others developed through our extensive natural user interface research.


For fast target-based positional jumps.

  1. Press the Menu button and select the Navigator tool We recommend putting this tool in your off hand to allow quick mobility when doing tasks with your dominant hand.

  2. Point at a surface, and click the Trigger to jump to the green glowing circle ..... id around you in proportion to your size, starting at a 10cm grid when in the default scale of 1:1, you can scale up to one metre or more (God-mode, good for working with large objects or large distances), or down to one centimetre or less (miniature-mode, good for adding detail, or working with small objects or small distanc

Hand Locomotion

For accurate fluid movement through 6DoF, you simply move your hands whilst holding the Grip buttons.

Hand locomotion works in any on-stage tool, and movement is relative to your size.


  • To move forward or backwards, or strafe left or right, hold the grip button and move that hand in any direction on a horizontal plane.

  • To move continually forwards, By using both hands, you can start to move smoothly around the ground, orientating yourself towards target objects. Try alternating both hands in all directions to move at a smooth steady pace in one direction. Try mixing side pulls in one hand with forward or backward pulls in the other, and circle an object.


  • To rotate on the spot, hold both Grip buttons and simultaneously move your hands in opposite directions, forwards and backwards. You will notice that by default the movement is in short steps and the vision will dim with each one, as if blinking. This is to reduce motion sickness. If you prefer to not move in steps, or to blink, there are settings in User Preferences, available from your WristPad.


  • To climb up or down, hold the Grip button and move that hand up and down on a vertical axis. You will notice that by default the movement is in short steps and the vision will dim with each one, as if blinking. This is to reduce motion sickness. If you prefer to not move in steps, or to blink, there are settings in User Preferences, available from your WristPad.

  • To return to the ground and normal size, click the '1:1' button top of the ThumbPad in Navigator mode


Scaling yourself can be very useful for manipulating large or small things. In fact, if you were to add a large asset to the stage, it would arrive on set with you in a scaled-up state, to allow you to more easily place it.

It also scales the Snap to Grid around you in proportion to your size, starting at a 10cm grid when in the default scale of 1:1, you can scale up to one metre or more (God-mode, good for working with large objects or large distances), or down to one centimetre or less (miniature-mode, good for adding detail, or working with small objects or small distances).

  • To grow in size, hold both Grip buttons and widen your hands

  • To reduce in size, hold both Grip buttons and narrow your hands

  • To return to the ground and normal size, click the '1:1' button top of the ThumbPad in Navigator mode

Last updated